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Alternatinve Release code for PR or PO

I have release strategy for PR and PO, suppose there is 3 levels of Release, at second level I want to set an alternative Release code, if either of the employee releases then it should go to third release.
How to configure for PO (with classifications) and PR (without classifications).


To my knowledge you cannot assign two release code for a release level. But you can achieve your requirement that either of the employee releaseas and it goes to third level.
1. In OMGS, under workflow, hope you have assigned S for object and position ID in Agent ID, if not let me
know your assignments

2. In PPOMA, you can assign both employees under the same position.

3. Both employees have authorization to release at this release code.

4. Workflow automatically completes the release and moves to next level if either of the employee releases it.

TC Venkatesan

Workflow is not implemented in our organization. Is there any alternative?


In this case, I am assuming employees use ME28 or so directly to release.

As long as any employee has authorization to that release code, they can release using the release code in ME28 or so, right?

Can you explain more about the procedure they try to release?

TC Venkatesan

We are using ME28 to release the POs. But I am trying to minimise the release codes, if there is any possibility let me know.


I will set out an example below:-
If the release group is G1 and release code is 03 for the level you wish to add alternative releases to then simply get the user who is in control of authorisations in your organisation to add G1 and 03 to user 1 and the same to user 2.

This will alow any one of them to release, without workflow. If you want this can also be set for a validity period in authorisations. Sometimes if a user is away from work and he is the only one to release, then an alternative user may be assigned these codes for a validity period (during the absence of the other user). The system will automatically invalidate him when it reaches the set date.

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