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There is a way to change entries of a table with SE16 even if you don't have the authorization:

Go in SE16, enter your table Name (ex: MARA).

Display the entry (or entries) you want to modify.

When you have your entry, write '/H' to go in debug mode.

Cross the line you want to modify and press F7 (display function). Here, you are in the code...
Press F7 again to skip some code...
Now you should see the code:

Refresh Exclude_Tab.
If Code = 'SHOW'.
Set Titlebar 'TAB' With Name 'anzeigen'(100).
Elseif Code = 'EDIT'.

Change the value from SHOW to EDIT, click Change FLD Contents, and press F8...
or to delete an entry

Change the value from SHOW to DELE, click Change FLD Contents, and press F8...
Here we are... You can change the value to what you want, and don't forget to save!

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