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5) 生产订单确认---Production Order Confirmations

Production order confirmations (sometimes called completion confirmations)
are used to record internal activities carried out for the production order.

用来记录Production order完成工序(operation)的进度

A confirmation is used to record:
1, Quantity produced at the operation(工序), 在某个工序上的数量
2,Amount of activity (for example labor hours人时) at the operation
3,The work center where the operation was performed(工序在哪个工作中心完成?)
4, Who performed the operations(按人的贡献进行分配)

一次completion confirmation引起以下的事情:
1, A reduction of capacity load on the work center
(work center的工作被确认后,所以负荷减少,可以再接工作)
2, An update of costs(更新相关的成本中心)
3, Goods receipt of the completed product(接收产成品)

It is possible to enter confirmations in a non-SAP system and import them to SAP.

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