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设置库位是否参与MRP预算,可以在IMG:Production -> Material Requirements Planning -> Planning -> Define Storage Location MRP per Plant,T-CODE: OMIR设置。但这不是问题的全部。

一个库位由参与MRP运算改为不参与运算,反之亦然,该库位已有的物料不受影响。其逻辑大概是这样的,物料是否参与MRP运算,决定在物料主数据(MRP4视图,SLoc MRP indicator栏位)。OMIR的设置只是供生成物料主数据的参考值,一旦生成则以物料主数据为准,故此不受OMIR设置的影响。


The setting in OMIR is just meant as a default. If you create a storage location view in an existing material master (can be as well via the automatic creation while doing a goods movement) then this indicator pops in. However if you do this config after your material masters are created, then you have to set the indicators manually in MM02 or use MM17 for mass update.

The material master is the only source from where the indicator is pulled when running MRP.


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