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生产订单与主数据的集成 PO&&Master data

Production orders are used:
1, To control and monitor production within a factory(车间)
利用Production orders来控制和监控车间中的生产活动
2, As a controlling instrument(工具) for cost accounting
成本会计可以利用Production orders作为一个成本控制的工具

The production order display:
1, What and How Much is to be produced(including duration), when the production is to be executed.
2, What is required for production(components, resources), which method of production to be used.
3, Capacities(能力) e.g.machine(机器设备资源), labor(劳力资源), and Production costs(生产成本).

To logically control a production order, you need at least one routing and one BOM.

Costs which have accrued(应计) to an order(生产订单) are debited to the allocation receiver(生产订单)
using settlement结算 rules.

Cost elements(下列成本项目会产生成本):
Production activities(生产活动), External activities(外部活动), Material consumption(消耗的物料),
Overhead costs(管理费用)

Time of cost debiting/crediting(成本的入账时间):
Material withdrawal(领取物料), Confirmation of operation(完工确认), Inward stock movement(内部库存移动),
Goods receipt(入库)/invoice receipt(收到发票)

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