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工艺与工作中心 Routing & Work Center

Routing: 是从纯技术的角度(抽象的角度)讨论物料的加工和产品的生成,不涉及到由谁加工,在哪里技工,在哪台机器上加工。

生产每一种特定产品就有一个特定的Routing, 生产同一大类产品或物料得所有Routing 或者生产同一产品和物料因不同的批量而需要

的多个Routing, 这些Routing可以组成一个组 A routing group.

Each Work Center contains distinct capacity, costing and scheduling information.

Each Work Center defined by the machines and employees involved in the production process.

Production Resource/Tools (PRTs)

Movable operating resource required for production. An example is a set of instructions, a tool or a machine that is not stationary.

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